What crypto can I exchange on Coinmotion?
Our platform is a viable and secure option that enables you to buy different types of cryptocurrencies, for example, bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, ripple, and stellar lumens. These currencies are in the top 10 of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world. Please notice that our platform does not support Bitcoin Cash.
Additional services
Here’s a list of all the rest of the services Coinmotion offers you that help you with your exchanges and payments.
Preapproved deposits
We can validate deposits made with bank transfers before they arrive at our end. The preapproved deposits allow you to purchase crypto without the delays of international transfers.
Coinmotion Wealth
For investments of more than 10,000€, we offer exclusive and personalized banking services for guarding, purchasing, and selling crypto. If you need more information on our Coinmotion Wealth services, contact us via [email protected].
Discounts by volume
We offer competitive discounts starting from transfers greater than 500€. The more you trade in 90 days, the less you need to pay commission fees.
Vault service
Our customers have an option to store their cryptocurrencies in a high-security vault system that enables you to protect all of the cryptos purchased. The vault service requires verification by email or SMS for each transaction. For extra security, you must select a time window during which no one can withdraw the cryptos from the vault. The time established can be a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 30 days, and it is decided solely by you.
Monthly saving plan
Our monthly saving feature is an easy way to create a savings account of cryptocurrencies that keeps increasing in value without you even noticing it. You’ll see how easy this feature’s usage is, starting from filling in the information needed for the saving plan.
To make a saving plan, you start by establishing the number of euros and the date you’d like to buy cryptocurrencies. We’ll automatically manage the operation for you every month. Just make sure you have the needed amount of euros in your account. You can mix and match your plan with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Stellar Lumens.