We have launched an updated version of our service as a beta-version. For now, you can choose to use either the old one or the new one, or both side by side. We will keep the old version still running until we’ve got enough feedback from the beta-version and made sure it benefits our users. You can use the beta-version at beta.coinmotion.com. In our updated version you can find the same basic functions as before. The service is now visually updated and offers a smoother user experience. As a new feature, we have added price graphs in addition to the real-time price trackers. With these price graphs you can study the history of price developments of the cryptocurrencies we currently offer; bitcoin and litecoin. In the “Wallet”-page you can examine the price movements of bitcoin and litecin cryptocurrencies an effortless manner. In the next upcoming update we will add a feature which allows you to easily follow the value development of the cryptocurrencies you have bought and stored in Coinmotion. Did you encounter a bug or do you have other feedback regarding the new user interface? The site has been launched as a beta-version because we want to test its functionality before shutting down the old version. We have spent large amounts of time on testing it, but there is still room for improvements to be made. Now you can personally help by reporting to us if you encounter a bug in the system.
- Everyone that has given us an improvement recommendation or informed us of a bug will participate in a lottery. The price pool consists of 5 Denarium-coins.
- Founders of actual bugs will be rewarded a minimum of 50 euros or more, depending the the seriousness of the bug found.
- Visual errors and minor typos are not counted as actual bugs.
- Only the first suggestor of an improvement, or informer of a certain bug or typo will be eligible to a reward and/or a chance in the lottery.
- If you find multiple suggestions for improvement or multiple bugs, it will increase your chances of winning, as every ticket submitted will grant you a separate ticket at the lottery.