Study about bitcoin University of Zaragoza

Coinmotion collaborates with the University of Zaragoza in a study on the use of Bitcoin in online shopping


The regulated cryptocurrency provider Coinmotion will collaborate in a study carried out by the University of Zaragoza on the use of cryptocurrencies. The educational institution aims to develop a model for accepting Bitcoins as a means of payment in online shopping.

Researchers from the reference Research Group “METODO” of the University of Zaragoza will conduct a survey to find out the use of cryptocurrencies. In this stage of the study, Coinmotion will help to spread the study among its users and different media platforms related to cryptocurrencies.

The survey will be conducted in Spanish and English in order to obtain data also from foreign users, so that the study can be carried out at an international level.  

The survey consists of different variables to measure user perceptions about the use of Bitcoin as a means of payment. All the information acquired from the survey will be anonymous. It would be very helpful for the research and adoption of Bitcoin if you could fill in the survey that you find at the end of this post.

Some of the questions included in the study have to do with Bitcoin payments. Researchers will ask about if that means of payment allows quickly purchases or if customers trust on Bitcoin technology to make these purchases.

On the other hand, it has included questions related to the ease of making payments. People will have to answer whether they think Bitcoin is easy to use, whether this type of technology offers greater control over everyday life, or whether they notice that errors related to Bitcoin are rare. 

Moreover, socio-demographic information will be collected from the participants. In this case, the age, gender, education and nationality of the participants will be collected. 

With this collaboration, Coinmotion and the University of Zaragoza open the door to collaborate in future studies.

Main image of Martin Adams –

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