Explore the world with crypto

Explore the world with crypto


This article was originally published in Baltic Outlook inflight magazine.

Cryptocurrencies are becoming mainstream in the travel industry and among travelers. Simple, safe and secure way to get started is with Coinmotion – the crypto pioneer in the Nordic countries.

Those looking for a cheaper, safer and more secure way to travel, should consider using bitcoin to pay for their travel expenses. Airlines, booking sites, travel agencies, hotel groups – and even entire cities and countries – are increasingly accepting cryptocurrencies, most popularly bitcoin as a form of payment.

– In the western world the attitudes towards crypto are increasingly positive. Using bitcoin is now easier than ever, says Pessi Peura, a partner manager of Coinmotion – the pioneer of crypto in Nordic countries.

According to Peura the advantages of traveling with cryptocurrencies are undisputable. They enable cheaper transactions, nearly instant money transfers, and a possibility to keep a track on all the crypto payments. The oldest and the most popular cryptocurrency is bitcoin launched in 2009.

– To get started, one only needs to find a well-regulated platform that offers an access to the currency. Then one creates a crypto wallet – a software that holds the data of one´s digital currency, Peura outlines.

A handy payment tool

Coinmotion, established in 2012, is one of those well-regulated platforms that gives an access to the digital currency. The currency can be purchased with government-issued currency such as euros or with another digital currency. Blockchain technology guarantees the safety and security.

– Bitcoin is more than just an asset class: it is a handy payment tool. Crypto debit cards can be used to pay IRL as well as on websites that accept crypto directly. One can withdraw money from bitcoin ATMs, make instant money transfers and pay for invoices from their crypto account, Peura explains.

Cryptocurrencies are becoming mainstream – not least in the travel industry. Travel seems to be one of the most crypto-friendly industries and travelers are increasingly embracing cryptos. And why wouldn´t they? One can pay for the whole trip or just for the certain aspects of the trip with cryptocurrency, hold both euros and crypto currencies in their crypto accounts, use crypto debit cards, make savings and nearly instant deposits around the world. The funds can also be used as a collateral for the credit account.

– One should always have multiple payment options when traveling. Crypto is one of the most convenient means of payment. We believe that cryptocurrencies will become a part of everyday life, Peura states.

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Bitcoin Litecoin Ethereum AAVE USDC Stellar Ripple

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