Introducing team Prasos – Devops Engineer Juha Kallio


What a past few weeks it has been! Prasos received the Payment Institution Licence and bitcoin’s price has been in a little roller coaster, which makes the market situation very interesting. This kind of movement puts some pressure also to our backend, as we have to make sure that everything keeps running smoothly despite the increase in volumes. This week we introduce to you a man who does a lot of work to make it all stay online, our Devops engineer Juha Kallio.


A Blockchain veteran

Juha is one of the key members keeping our services up and running 24/7. He is an experienced blockchain developer who takes care that our services are up to date. Juha works mainly with the backend of our services and websites, also including the Bitcoin ATM network maintenance. Less surprisingly his studies focused on information systems engineering, which took place in the University of Oulu. 

Juha’s path in the industry started so long ago, that he can’t even remember the exact moment, but he has a feeling that the start had something to do with a Slashdot website.

What he remembers certainly, is that the first real crypto steps included some mining. His first bitcoin transaction was made at famous Mt.Gox, to see if it was possible at all. Today bitcoin keeps strong position as his favourite, as he really doesn’t personally recommend  any specific altcoins (although he cautiously mentions Raven). 



Solving problems elegantly

Freetime is a mix of work and hobby for him, as both mostly consist of the same things. Juha likes to do crypto coding projects, with the hint of problem solving and elegant solutions. Still, he is not all the time connected to the keyboard, as he has two cats to take care of. They can be quite messy according to him, so cleaning the apartment gives him a much needed break and some extra exercise. 

Although Juha spends most of his time in Oulu, he makes visits to the office in Jyväskylä regularly (making praise how great the new space is). He tells that every person in the team is chosen very well, as you can find experts of different industries and the responsibilities are clearly organized. 

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