Introducing Team Prasos – Chief Information Officer Sampo Hyvärinen


Today there probably isn’t a single person who has used internet without hearing about different security solutions, needs and browser plugins that protect you during the journey in the world of websites. One of the main features of blockchain is security and that is a highly valued subject also at Prasos. We want to make sure that our customers can trust us and that we have prepared for all kinds of threats. This introduction focuses on one of the masterminds behind our security matters, our Chief Information Officer Sampo Hyvärinen.

Solid rocks and machines

Sampo is a tech enthusiast who has experience from sales work and has participated a lot in youth associations. eSports are a big part of his hobbies and he follows the scene with great ambition. Like many Prasos employees before, he also mentions climbing and bouldering being close to his heart. One might already think if that’s a demand when applying for a job at Prasos, but you can put the fear aside. Being interested in stones helps, but you can qualify by staying firmly on the ground too. Difference is not a bad thing, as Sampo describes that team Prasos is like a good wine; young, sparkling, quickly maturing, perfectly ageing and also, includes tannin. 

He also works as the CEO of our subsidiary Prasos Cash Management Ltd which runs the Bittimaatti ATM network. Those machines have become very popular among customers, as they give you a very easy way to get or sell some bitcoins. Almost everybody has withdrawn money from a  “normal” bank ATM, so using a bitcoin ATM feels natural for most of the customers. At the moment there’s bitcoin and litecoin available, but development might lead to additional currencies (Sampo’s favourite altcoin is monero, but that might not still be the next one added). 

Feeling good and showing it!

Demanding but rewarding road

Sampo’s route to Prasos started way back in 2012 when he heard for the first time how bitcoin could be used for buying stuff. The deep dive still waited for a few years until  he was listening a presentation by Henry Brade himself in 2016. After that he started the intensive gathering of information, which has eventually led to an everyday job for him. He advises others to follow similar steps, to start with small investment amounts and constantly studying and reading about the subject at the same time. Once your knowledge has grown, you can start making bigger investments.

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