Introducing team Prasos – Chief Investment Officer Joonas Järvinen


Hot summer weather is here and it’s going strong! At the moment summer is showing the best parts with sun warming the lakes and people getting out of their houses to enjoy all the  outdoor activities. This week our team introduction is published on Thursday, because on Friday it’s time for Midsummer party in Finland!

Joonas has a lot of experience in investment field

Planning is the key

This time of the year surely is pleasing also for our Chief Investment Officer, Joonas Järvinen. Whenever he finds time, he likes to grab his golf equipment and spend a day at golf course, swinging the club and enjoying challenges the game has to offer. Although his freetime is filled mostly with family needs and schedules, he still occasionally finds time to do some crossfit training.

At Prasos Joonas has a very important role. He develops cryptocurrency investment products and plans our business development in many fronts. Joonas has been working with investment products in financial institutions for many years before joining our team in early 2018.

Golf and summer – perfect combination!

Knowledge is power

Joonas gives a valuable advice to people interested in cryptocurrencies; “ Do your research work soundly, so you can make a justifiable opinion. There’s a lot of misinformation in the industry and media, which is why source criticism plays a big part”. His hirst experience in the crypto field was in late 2016 when he came across a publicly traded bitcoin product and started investigating the investment theme further. Before that Joonas had heard occasionally about cryptos, but his knowledge has grown fast and today spreads the awareness. And by the way, his favourite altcoin is the native token in protocol used mostly for security tokenization, it’s Ethereum!

Even though Joonas is located in Helsinki and most of the team is hundreds of kilometres away, it doesn’t stop him telling how relaxed the atmosphere is among people and how productive the whole team is. That is easily underwritten, as at Prasos it’s all about the people!

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