Introducing team Prasos – Customer Experience Manager Aleksi Koskinen


A week has passed and it’s time for the next introduction! Last time we had Aleksi under review, so let’s move on with something similar. This time it’s about Aleksi Koskinen.

Aleksi is a friendly soul to confront and being polite is in his veins


A man with manners

A little bit over a year ago Aleksi started working with Prasos and it was most certainly a dream come true for him. Since 2013 cryptocurrencies have been his hobby and passion, which then turned into a job as he started his career in the cryptocurrency world as Customer Service Specialist. That role suited him perfectly, as he is an extremely polite man with the most pleasant voice according to phone service feedbacks and colleagues comments. Nevertheless,employee development is one of the most important factors at Prasos and Aleksi makes no exception to this. Today he is the Customer Experience Manager and a key player in the merchant solutions team, where he makes the most out of his background in Financial sector and digital marketing. Over the years he has investigated many altcoins, but his favourite one is Dogecoin. According to Aleksi, it’s the most successful altcoin, when put into perspective of it’s publishers intentions!

Changing the world together

Aleksi describes himself as a high performance dreamer, who demands positive customer experience. As he can’t do it all by himself, the partners in crime (the team around him) push the best out of themselves to satisfy customers and the man responsible for the experience. He tells that this team (or herd as he calls it) at Prasos consists of passionate and smart people working with revolutionary technology. By his own words, this kind of team can really change the world we live in.

Last year Aleksi found himself climbing in South Africa, with the famous Table Mountain on the background

A sword and a digging fork – best partners

Outside work life Aleksi spends time with his family (including a small baby boy!) and loves to ride motorcycle when ever he has a chance to. Sports are an important part of his hobbies and he has lots of experience in pistol shooting. Among these, historical fencing and bouldering are things he likes to do to keep himself fit and sharp. Good condition is very valuable to him, because he often helps taking care of their family’s estate.

If you want to know more about what Aleksi has to say about investing, take a closer look at one of the guides written by him. You can find it here (at the moment, only in Finnish).

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