Prasos quarterly cryptocurrency market report Q1, 2019


We have published a new market report for the first quarter of 2019 which covers a wide area of topics related to the development of the cryptocurrency industry. The report has been produced in collaboration with DC Research.

Institutional investors are showing escalating interest in the industry, with the relative amount of institutional products growing significantly during Q1 2019. The relative trading amount of institutional products grew a lot as well during the first quarter.

Download here the full Q1 cryptocurrency market report. 

Upcoming halving event is rising expectations of price surge

A big paradigm in the industry is the upcoming halving event, expected to occur in May 2020. Bitcoin’s upcoming block reward halving event has historically been a catalyst linked to large scale upward price movements. The next halving event is expected to occur around May 2020. Halving will reduce mining block rewards and results in more restricted circulating supply.

Cryptocurrency miners have earned more than 21 billion USD since the launch of major blockchain networks of which over 50 percent has been paid to bitcoin miners. Bitcoin mining has become quite industrialized during the last years, but mining of altcoins has still stayed popular among hobbyists.

The volatility of bitcoin has dropped significantly during the first quarter of the year.

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